As wine enthusiasts, my husband and I often end up with a couple of empty wine bottles at our disposal before recycling pick-up day. One of my favorite ways to reuse these glass bottles is by creating old world candle holders which can add an eerie vibe to any room with proper lighting! If you are seeking a macabre mood with minimal work, insert and burn long stem candles in empty wine bottles. There are many ways to achieve this vintage, vampy effect: You can go simple and just place orange, black, or white candles in your cleaned-out bottles. For a little more gore, you can use red candles to create a drippy, bloody bottle or even bright green to imitate the look of oozing slime. For those who have more time and a steady hand, you can hand paint or spray paint the bottles black, then use a silver sharpie or paint to make eerie etches. The creepy candelabras look especially spooky next to our fabulous paper mâché Scaredy Cat and Mr. Bojangles, and they match up perfectly with the vintage-inspired Halloween party décor we have in store this year. This creepy (witch) craft has proven to be easy to execute, clean up, and is a great excuse to enjoy some wine leading up to Halloween!
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